Information for Authors

The 16th International Conference on Robotics in Education (RiE) is aimed at the presentation and discussion of the latest results and methods in the fields of research and development in Educational Robotics. Submissions thus must be original and should not have been published previously. The official language of the conference is English.

At least two reviewers will evaluate the submission. Authors will be informed by e-mail about the acceptance results.

If the paper is accepted, then corresponding authors will log into their account to upload the camera-ready version of their paper and copyright form. Regular and Short papers will be published in the conference proceedings only if at least one of the authors is officially registered and attends the conference to present the paper.


All submissions has to be written in accordance with the Springer paper requirements. It is a condition of publication that all papers must be written in clear and grammatically correct English.

All submitted papers should include: Title of the paper, abstract, keywords, author's name(s), affiliation, e-mail, preference for oral (regular paper) or poster presentation (short paper).


We recommend to use pre-made templates from the Springer Verlag:

Submit using an EasyChair

Submission should be made in PDF format through the EasyChair system:

Submission types

Following types of submissions are accepted:

Regular papers

The original research or review paper with new and previously unpublished results. The manuscript should not exceed 12 pages.

Based on the reviewers' opinion, a regular paper might be recommended for poster presentation instead of oral presentation. Upon paper acceptance, at least one of the authors shall register to the conference.

Regular paper presentations take 15-20 minutes plus 5 minutes Q&A. There is no specific template for the presentation.

Short papers and posters

We welcome the submission of short papers (6 pages) reporting good practices and successful experiences from educational robotics projects in the form of "short paper plus poster". The short papers (6 pages) will be included in the proceedings (same format as for regular papers); the posters will be presented at the conference during a poster session. Please add the poster as additional page to the PDF of your paper if available (it is not part of the page count).

Short paper presentations take 7 minutes plus 3 minutes Q&A. There is no specific template for the presentation.


We recognize the need for short messages about the ongoing projects to help searching for partners, or the intermediate project reports which are necessary for your projects. Also you may have some interesting findings you want to discuss with others. Although these papers are usually not qualified for publication in the proceeedings, we decided to enable them to be presented either in oral or just a poster form.

Based on the reviewers' opinion, also some regular papers might be recommended for message type presentation.

This type of papers will be available just in electronic form within pre-proceedings and will be not published in the final printed version of proceedings.

Upon paper acceptance, at least one of the authors shall register to the conference.

Messages presentations take maximum 7 minutes plus 3 minutes Q&A. There is no specific template for the presentation.

Paper Presentation

Authors are reminded that any paper accepted for presentation (oral or poster), which is not presented by one of the authors at the conference, will be excluded from the proceedings.

Proceedings and reference

Proceedings will be made after the event, and reference will be given on the conference website ( and elsewhere. Meanwhile, the following reference can be quoted: 16th International Conference on Robotics in Education (RiE 2025), Thessaloniki, Greece, April 2025.